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Calendar of Classes - Events in El Salon

Calendar of Classes - Events in El Salon

Our studio (el salon) attached to our cafe hosts a variety of classes and events on a weekly basis. For more detailed information on each class or event, please reach out to the instructor directly. If needed, I am always available to provide additional information and direct you to the instructor.

Contact me via phone or text at 416-568-5707.

•Flamenco class by @rocioconde
•Latin Vibes class by @themovementmermaid
•Tai Chi classes by Canadian Tai Chi Academy -more info by email to
•Yoga class by @darshana.yog
•Salsa Night by us - Taste of Colombia
*Stretch class with @marina.flexfit


  • Geazul: February 16, 2024

    What time is the Saturday classes and what are the price?

  • Mar: January 02, 2024

    Me encantaria saber si rentan el salon oara fiestas, estoy buscando para mi hija que cumple 16 en febrero y me encantaria su salón para unas 40 personas y si tienen paquetes, que incluye y precios…
    Gracias de antemano, espero su respuesta!


  • Jad Kowalski: October 26, 2023

    Latin vibes ,whats that about
    Can you please let me know more ,and how much it is

  • Layla: February 27, 2023

    Do you do Spanish meetups? I’m learning Spanish and would like to practice with some native speakers or other people learning Spanish.



  • Josie Rivera: January 30, 2023

    I would like to know about the cost for the salsa class and I would like to get the calendar. Thank you

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